Physical Education
Physical Education at Burradon Community Primary School takes it's main aim from our school's core values:
Persevere and be resilient - be the best you can.
Care and respect yourself, other people, our school and the wider world.
Our school values are threaded through all we offer in PE at Burradon. Our aims in teaching PE are to:
- Provide opporunities for all pupils to take part in a range of competitive, creative and challenge type activities.
- Develop pupils’ self confidence, care and respect for themselves and others in a range of physical environments
- Develop resilience and perseverance in sport and physical activities
- Promote and celebrate positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles
- Provide our pupils with engaging activities before and after school as well as challenges during holidays which involves their families and the wider community
Implementation: Teaching and Learning
Our staff endeavour to put Physical Development at the forefront of the curriculum; we plan and provide cross-curricular opportunities for the children to learn in an active, physical way.
- We ensure that all KS1 and KS2 children take part in 2 hours of progressive and challenging PE lessons every week.
- Each Foundation Stage class takes part in a PE lesson once each week and the children are submerged in opportunities to develop physically. All foundation stage children are encouraged to develop their gross and fine motor skills in small group, whole class sessions and individual focussed activities.
Our PE curriculum allows our pupils to have the opportunity to:
- Persevere and be resilient when acquiring and developing new skills
- Evaluate their own and others performances in a caring and respectful way
- Experience a range of roles/responsibilities in sport
- Make decisions and solve problems when working individually, in pairs and teams
- Be involved in competitive sport both in and out of school to gain a passion for physical activity
The children at Burradon have a strong awareness of what it means to be fit and healthy both physically and mentally. Our children participate in many class activities and discussions as well as whole school house team days linked to healthy living, sports and exercise, and cookery and healthy eating. National Sports Week plays an important role in raising the children’s knowledge and understanding of fitness, health and wellbeing too.
What do our children think of PE?
I like moving around fast and slow.
Year 1:
I now know how to hold a racket properly!
Year 2:
PE helps my brain get happy
Year 3:
We learnt a real Roman dance! We practised the dance every week and I knew all the moves at the end!
Year 4:
We could play a basketball game by the end of the term!
Year 5:
I like playing football because it is fun and I play with my friends!
Year 6:
We struggled at first with dancing, nobody wanted to do it. Everybody liked it by the end and wasn’t embarrassed anymore.